Cups & Trophies
to be held for 1 year
THE STEPHENS CUP Vegetables Most points in 1 to 23
THE E.G. HARWOOD CUP Onions Most points in 14 to 17
RONALD HARWOOD TROPHY Tomatoes Best entry from 24 to 25
SILVER CUP Salad Vegetable Most points in 24 to 32
SILVER CUP Fruit Most points in 45 to 50
THE LEECH ROSE BOWL Flowers Most points in 51 to 64
SIR JOHN LOVERIDGE VASE Most beautiful in 51 - 53
LEONARD WEEKES CUP Flowers Most points in 51 to 70
LENTELL CUP Gladioli Winning entry 67 - 68
GEOFFREY SPILLER MEMORIAL CUP Vegetables and Flowers Most points in 1 to 35 + 51 to 73
WHINFREY CUP Lilies Winning entry 69
NED SPILLER MEMORIAL CUP Hanging Basket Winning entry 71
ENGLISH CUP Vegetable, Fruit and Flowers Most points in 1 to 73
THE BOB PUGH MEMORIAL CUP Table Decoration Winning entry 82
MARTIN CHALLENGE TROPHY Floral arrangement Best entry 81 - 86
AXMOUTH FLOWER ARRANGERS CLUB CUP Floral Arrangements Most points in 81 to 86
THE FREEMAN SHIELD Children’s Section Most points in 90 to 115
AXE CUP Children’s section Most Original entry from 90 to 115
BATER CUP Cake Best entry from 126 - 134
SILVER TROPHY Homecraft Most points in 160 to 171
MARY BROOM MEMORIAL CUP Needlework Most points in 160 to 166
SILVER CUP Decorated Hoop Winning entry 167
CLEMENT CUP Show overall Most points in 1 to 196
WILDLIFE GARDEN CUP Best Wildlife Garden entry 195
JOHN TRIVETT CUP Best kept front garden
ROWSWELL CUP Photography Most points in 181 to 189
AXMOUTH VPA CUP Best Back Garden entry 196
JOHN CROWE CUP Best Handwriting entry from 114 – 115
BARBARA NICHOLS ROSE BOWL Most points in Floral Classes 51 - 86